Host a Fundraiser
Support women with cancer from anywhere
Third party fundraisers not only raise much-needed funds for our guest services, these events are also a great way to create awareness of our mission in your community. Wish-list drives are another great way to make an impact by donating goods that are needed to operate our mission.
Consider hosting a fundraiser or wish list drive in your community, at your company, school or club.
Host a Third Party Fundraiser
- Review our Fundraising Tool Kit.
- Fill out a third party fundraising form before the start of your event or fundraiser.
- Once your form is complete, please feel free to print out our Infographic & Donation QR Code for your event
Contact Lisa Cole our Senior Fund Development Manager at lcole@marysplacebythesea.org with any questions, to request a letter of support or approvals for logo/name use on collateral materials, etc.
Host a Wish-List Drive
Consider hosting a drive for donated items such as household goods and paper products, which help to operate our mission and keep our administrative costs low.
Click Here to view a PDF of our Wish List Items.