Meet the Teams: Refuse to Lu’s

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The Walk-A-Thon: Community & Opportunity

One word that we hear time and time again in reference to Mary’s Place by the Sea’s Annual Walk-A-Thon & 5K Run is the word community. A term used to describe the gathering of participants, guests, family members and friends all of who share a connection to our mission and the desire to support women whose lives have been impacted by a cancer diagnosis. 

Upon sitting down with Lu Stierman, guest of Mary’s Place by the Sea, and fellow Refuse to Lu’s Team Member, Kerry White, another defining term came to mind when thinking about our annual event. That word is opportunity.

“I wanted to do something to get involved after my treatment and after I stayed at Mary’s Place. As a guest, I had a very reflective, meditative retreat, where I connected with another woman. We were both bald and we were chatting,” Lu smiled as she continued on to say, “We both did yoga together and each had oncology massages. I hadn’t made any connections at the time, so to have the opportunity to talk to someone who understood, was really great.” 

The Refuse to Lu’s Team

When asked how their Fundraising Team came to be, Lu said, “There are so many ways to raise money for Breast Cancer through big national organizations, but to support this event and give back to a place like Mary’s Place, a mission that I felt personally connected to, was such a special opportunity. Even more so considering Mary’s Place is a part of our local shore community.” 

Kerry felt similarly and also reflected on how there was a desire to support Lu during her diagnosis and treatment and the Walk–A-Thon served as an opportunity to do just that. 

“I think for the people who have not gone through cancer, they don’t always know how to help but they want to help,” Kerry shared, “The thing about Lu is that she’s the party planner, the social committee, the go-getter and clearly when Lu was diagnosed, she was obviously going through so much and we didn’t know what we could do. The Walk-A-Thon was a way that we could support her. We could put together a team, make it big and flashy and just show up. So we decided to sign up as the Refuse to Lu’s Team.”

Opening the Door for Conversation

Leading up to their first Team Walk-A-Thon, another opportunity also presented itself, one in which Lu & Kerry could open up a door for conversation about cancer at the school in which they both work. 

“I was fortunate to be able to come forward during the process and show the kids that you can persevere through [cancer]and be strong. And it’s important for them to see that and I had some students come up and tell me how brave I am and obviously it’s not all easy but it’s been pretty amazing, [the support I’ve received], from the school community” shared Lu.

“[During Lu’s treatment/diagnosis] she was wearing hot pink wigs in the school and talking to the kids about what she was going through -obviously in an appropriate way – but again it’s important to just allow this space for conversation with kids, with families, with parents that this is real life. And as educators it’s our job to explain that this stuff happens” said Kerry, “We have a great community in Belmar. It’s diverse and we have kids whose parents have been affected by cancer that you would never even know about if that door for conversation had not been opened.”

Today, as they get ready to attend the Mary’s Place by the Sea Walk-A-Thon & 5K Run for 3rd year in a row, the Refuse to Lu’s Team sees the day as a chance to celebrate Lu’s positive health outcome and also as a way to continue to spread the word on advocacy, positive outcomes and preventative care.

“To witness the Team build over the years and see the sea of black and hot pink t-shirts walking the boardwalk together is amazing. And it’s important to be able to share a positive side to this narrative too. To show that a diagnosis doesn’t always have to be sad, it can be empowering and we should celebrate these kickass women who have gone through this,” Kerry smiled as she looked at Lu. “The Walk-A-Thon is also a way to continue to talk about preventative care and mammograms and tests. To remind others to stay on top of their health and to advocate for themselves, especially as women.”

“Having gone through cancer treatment and the aftermath”, Lu said, “there’s these moments of fear, always, of this thing that can come back. But by doing walks, getting involved in the community, as a survivor, thriver or person in treatment, it does something for your soul.”

“If you just stay within yourself, you never release. But by connecting with others, it’s therapeutic, you process and you talk and you have the chance to surround yourself with a group of people who understand,” said Lu. “I have a lot of people who reach out to me now and I’m grateful to be a resource.”

Another Year, Another Goal

In terms of their goal for this year’s event, Lu & Kerry have set the bar high and hope to have 100 Refuse to Lu’s Team members sign up for the walk. Mary’s Place by the Sea has no doubt that these ladies can hit that goal.

“The first year we had like 40 people and then we had like 80. This year we want 100.” Lu said with excitement, “We make it a whole thing leading up to the event. At school, we do a pink out, bake sale and lemonade stand in the weeks leading up to the walk. It’s so important to allow the kids to be a part of things like this too. We get the teachers, parents and kids, people who would normally never be involved in anything outside of school hours to come. Not to mention all of my friends from the Stone Pony and Wonderbar that show up. It’s pretty special.”

When asked what their favorite part of the annual Walk-A-Thon is both Lu & Kerry agreed that it’s the act of getting together and getting involved. 

“Everyone has their fun sparkles and outfits on and friends and family come out. Everyone is just together. We have a big party and celebrate life and friendship. It’s a true celebration of togetherness. All of our adrenaline, positivity and energy filters through one another. At the walk you see this power of energy working through other people and how impactful that can really be” said Kerry. 

Sharing Stories and Spreading Hope

Energy can also represent a power of readiness. The Refuse to Lu’s Team exemplifies a group of people who recycled fear and uncertainty, and turned it into an opportunity. Their Team, like many other Fundraising Teams, had the willingness and eagerness to help, to show up, to support, to empower. That energy is priceless as it serves as momentum for giving back to our mission and allows Mary’s Place by the Sea to continue to provide a place for women with cancer to heal: mind, body and soul. 

At the end of our conversation, Lu said, “The Walk-A-Thon is a way to celebrate life – it’s about taking the negative or the fear that people hide from when it comes to talking about cancer – and putting a positive face to it – it’s about telling the story and giving people hope.”

That hope is what we want to continue to share with others on Saturday, October 12th at this year’s Walk-A-Thon & 5K Run. As we look forward to our event, we invite you to use Lu & Kerry’s story as an opportunity to show up and give back to a community that we all know and love.

We hope that you will join us with your loved ones, friends and family at the Mary’s Place by the Sea Walk-A-Thon & 5K Run on Saturday, October 12th in Ocean Grove, NJ.

We look forward to celebrating with Refuse to Lu’s and all of our Fundraising Teams at this year’s event as we gather to walk/run as a community in support of our guests and mission. Thanks to teams like Refuse to Lu’s, this event continues to be our largest annual fundraiser for the mission of Mary’s Place, helping us to sustain our mission for our guests. Thank you to Lu, Kerry & The Refuse to Lu’s Team for generously sharing your story.

We welcome guests for a maximum of two overnight retreats (one per year) while in guidelines.  Day retreats are limited to three per year while in guidelines.

I Understand